
I used to buy too many domain names. Bad habit. I am still in recovery.

The 10k PC is now a meme, but once upon a time I considered to build one each year and list the parts and benchmarks for the year. I would offer to build more of them and then sell mine at the end of the year when I built next years model. I use cloud servers now, I don’t need the 10kpc now.

Future home of Lovecraftian themed game I am working on.

Once I was very interested in starting a non-profit which would drop tree seedlings from drones by the millions. Looked into fund raising and realized no one with money cares about the future.

‘All Your Datas Are Belong To Us’. I thought this domain was cute at the time. shrug

Way back in the very early days of Twitch, right after Justin left, twitch got popular, and the chat got so annoying and spammy that I couldn’t chat with anyone any more. I thought I would make a view which blocked all the spam and just filtered and highlighted the people you wanted to see. I realized twitch people think spamming emotes is a feature. I just close the chat window now.

When I first got my kids on a Laufrad I was so excited about how much better it worked than stupid training wheels that I decided I was going to ship them from Germany to USA. Learn to ride and balance with your feet on the ground, the pedaling is easy to add later. It’s really just SO MUCH better.

After talking with some friends about their desire to sell feet pics, I bought this name. Puddin’ Toes is still working her office job.

I thought this sounded like a nice brand name. 7 characters, and you can pronounce it.

Work In Progress: A place where humans are recognized as humans and bots should not be able to post there. Human Authenticity without CC or Phone number ??

Work In Progress: Network Tools

Work In Progress: Girls read their porn. No pics, text or audiobook style female kink.

Work In Progress: Video Game Music Engine which enables the composer to create loops. Loops can be additive, so that they stack for synchronized playback and the integrated game engine can set the scene intensity level. Loops can alternatively be transitional for smooth scene transitions, also integrated into the game engine. Composer tools support generative sequences, and live synced playback with same scene stackable tracks.

This is dumb name I picked up to body shame skinny models. No one else gets the joke, and it’s not really funny. I am a better person now.

Work In Progress: Tiny containers for ARM

A thing for a streamer on nopixel. dead now.

In my 20s I was very into network security, and I set up a scanner for DNS and SMTP vulnerabilities. Shut down due to abuse potential. I would have had to make it pay for use. Now we have TXT records and I could authenticate that the scan user actually controlled the domain scanned. That was not an option, at least that I was aware of, at the time.

I have a friend who was totally hot in her pants for a beautiful hippy named Willy. Willy has since passed due to his vices, but he shall be remembered here. God Speed William.

Thought this sounded like a cool brand name.

Best Italian Pizza outside of Napoli. By FAR the best pizza in Stuttgart. (owner hosted) For Detroit style, please see buddy’s

Before MingW and before Cygwin, I had the idea to make some sort of bearable environment work on Windows. I decided I do not want to help Windows. I am thinking still of something to help BSD with linux stuff, but then, I also don’t want to help GPL’d tools. (MIT BSD OR GTFO) and

Work In Progress: I really like Knuth’s Literate Programming. The design proposed is really quite outdated in my opinion, but the concept is compelling in any time. I propose a Markdown with an extension to code fences which supports Jupyter Notebook style executable documents given the right runtime, without the stupid AF json garbage wrapper. Firstly tho, it should support generating a source tree from the documentation which is idiomatic to the language written (or just explicit in the code fence args)

/// code fence with triple ticks but that I can't show here
js {module: es, path:./src/blah/module/main.js}

/// content of fenced code
export default module blah

I used to naively believe that you could fix the two party system in america if people were just more aware that they had more options. I learned later that the entire system is rigged to keep 2 parties in power always. Well intentioned ignorance…

Dan Heissler and I brewed beer in college and I wanted to pick up a brand in the unlikely event that we meet again and brewed another batch of Blackbeard’s BlackStrap Mollasses Porter. It was indeed a wicked grog.

Universe Traveling Shaman, Reiki and Shiatzu Practitioner, Death Dula, and a space cake massage which will put you in orbit. (owner hosted)

Web service to check reachability of services from some location on the internet other than your own. TCP/HTTP/SMTP/DNS

Local recycling of stuff which is free for pickup. No promotion / selling.

I like machine learning on large datasets which are sometimes not open-source, and this is where pirates trade data.

Work In Progress: I wanted to make an Obsidian before Obsidian existed. I still want to make it in a way which just works with a github repo, and vim or a phone.